
Selected bibliography (total 25)

In English language (total 25)

Čater Barbara, Čater Tomaž (2009): Emotional and Rational Motivations for Customer Loyalty in Business-to-Business Professional Services. Service Industries Journal, vol. 29, no. 7-8, pp. 1151-1169.
Čater Barbara, Čater Tomaž (2009): Relationship-value-based Antecedents of Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty in Manufacturing. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, vol. 24, no. 8, pp. 585-597.
Čater Tomaž, Čater Barbara (2009): (In)Tangible Resources as Antecedents of a Company’s Competitive Advantage and Performance. Journal for East European Management Studies, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 186-209.
Čater Tomaž, Čater Barbara (2010): Product and Relationship Quality Influence on Customer Commitment and Loyalty in B2B Manufacturing Relationships. Industrial Marketing Management, vol. 39, no. 8, pp. 1321-1333.
Čater Tomaž, Čater Barbara (2010): Product vs. Relationship Value in Business-to-Business Manufacturing Relationships. Transformations in Business & Economics, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 139-154.
Čater Tomaž, Pučko Danijel (2010): Factors of Effective Strategy Implementation: Empirical Evidence from Slovenian Business Practice. Journal for East European Management Studies, vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 207-236.
Čater Barbara, Žabkar Vesna, Čater Tomaž (2011): Commitment in Marketing Research Services: Two Alternative Models. Journal of Business Economics and Management, vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 603-628.
Čater Tomaž, Lang Rainhart, Szabo Erna (2013): Values and Leadership Expectations of Future Managers: Theoretical Basis and Methodological Approach of the GLOBE Student Project. Journal for East European Management Studies, vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 442-462.
Dermol Valerij, Čater Tomaž (2013): The Influence of Training and Training Transfer Factors on Organisational Learning and Performance. Personnel Review, vol. 42, no. 3, pp. 324-348.
Žabkar Vesna, Čater Tomaž, Bajde Domen, Čater Barbara (2013): Environmental Strategy: A Typology of Companies Based on Managerial Perceptions of Customers’ Environmental Activeness and Deterrents. E+M: Ekonomie a Management, vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 57-74.
Župič Ivan, Čater Tomaž (2015): Bibliometric Methods in Management and Organization. Organizational Research Methods, vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 429-472.
Primc Kaja, Čater Tomaž (2015): Environmental Proactivity and Firm Performance: A Fuzzy-set Analysis. Management Decision, vol. 53, no. 3, pp 648-667.
Primc Kaja, Čater Tomaž (2016): Environmental Strategies in Different Stages of Organisational Evolution: Theoretical Foundations. Australasian Journal of Environmental Management, vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 100-117.
Primc Kaja, Čater Tomaž (2016): The Influence of Organizational Life Cycle on Environmental Proactivity and Competitive Advantage: A Dynamic Capabilities View. Organization & Environment, vol. 29, no. 2, pp. 212-230.
Ivašković Igor, Čater Tomaž, Čater Barbara (2017): The Strategic Influence of Stakeholders in Non-profit Organisations: The Role of the Municipality in Basketball Clubs from South-East Europe. Journal of East European Management Studies, vol. 22, no. 4, pp. 596-620.
Čater Barbara, Čater Tomaž, Prašnikar Janez, Ivašković Igor (2018): Environmental Strategy and Its Implementation: What’s in It for Companies and Does It Pay Off in a Post-transition Context? Journal of East European Management Studies, vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 55-88.
Ivašković Igor, Čater Tomaž (2018): The Influence of Public Funding on the Strategies and Performance of Non-profit Basketball Clubs from South-Eastern Europe. Economic Research – Ekonomska istraživanja, vol. 31, no. 1, pp. 796-810.
Čater Tomaž, Čater Barbara, Černe Matej, Koman Matjaž, Redek Tjaša (2021): Industry 4.0 Technologies Usage: Motives and Enablers. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, vol. 32, no. 9, pp. 323-345.
Čater Tomaž, Fux Patricia (2021): Toward Better Understanding of the Corporate Sustainability Concept. In: Žabkar Vesna (ed.), Redek Tjaša (ed.): Challenges on the Path toward Sustainability in Europe: Social Responsibility and Circular Economy Perspectives. Bingley: Emerald, pp. 81-99.
Ivašković Igor, Čater Tomaž (2022): Factors of Athletes’ Work Engagement in South-East European Basketball Teams. Journal of East European Management Studies, vol. 27, no. 4, pp. 612-636.
Maravić Daria, Redek Tjaša, Čater Tomaž (2022): Implementation of Industry 4.0 Technologies in Croatia: Proactive Motives and a Long-Term Perspective. Social Research – Journal for General Social Issues, vol. 31, no. 1, pp. 39-61.
Redek Tjaša, Čater Tomaž, Čater Barbara, Černe Matej, Koman Matjaž (2022): Firm Agility and Digitalisation Less Helpful than Expected during the COVID-19 Pandemic, but Valuable in the Longer Run. E+M: Ekonomie a Management, vol. 25, no. 3, pp. 69-87.
Čater Tomaž, Čater Barbara, Milić Patricia, Žabkar Vesna (2023): Drivers of Corporate Environmental and Social Responsibility Practices: A Comparison of Two Moderated Mediation Models. Journal of Business Research, vol. 159, art. 113652.
Černe Matej, Čater Barbara, Čater Tomaž, Koman Matjaž, Redek Tjaša (2024): Management Innovation as an Enabler of Firm Performance in the Context of Industry 4.0: A Longitudinal Multi-source, Multi-sector Analysis. Innovation: Organization & Management, vol. 26, no. 4, pp. 559-584.
Hossain Md Billal, Rahman Mujib Ur, Čater Tomaž, Vasa László (2024): Determinants of SMEs’ Strategic Entrepreneurial Innovative Digitalization: Examining the Mediation Role of Human Capital. European Journal of Innovation Management, in press.

Scientific papers in journals (total 67)

In Slovene language (total 22)

Čater Tomaž (2000): Znanje kot vir konkurenčne prednosti in management znanja. Naše gospodarstvo, vol. 46, no. 4, pp. 505-520.
Čater Tomaž (2001): Hipoteze o osnovah konkurenčne prednosti podjetja. Organizacija, vol. 34, no. 2, pp. 64-74.
Čater Tomaž (2001): Management znanja kot pripomoček za razvijanje konkurenčne prednosti podjetja. IB revija, vol. 35, no. 1, pp. 76-85.
Čater Tomaž (2003): Konkurenčna prednost podjetja: Za kaj v resnici sploh gre? Naše gospodarstvo, vol. 49, no. 5-6, pp. 481-499.
Čater Tomaž (2004): Osnove konkurenčne prednosti podjetja v skladu s šolo industrijske organizacije in njihova relevantnost. Naše gospodarstvo, vol. 50, no. 1-2, pp. 14-26.
Čater Tomaž (2004): Pomen osnov konkurenčne prednosti podjetja v skladu s šolo na temelju sposobnosti. Organizacija, vol. 37, no. 4, pp. 205-212.
Čater Tomaž (2004): Pomen osnov konkurenčne prednosti podjetja v skladu s šolo na temelju virov. IB revija, vol. 38, no. 1-2, pp. 117-131.
Čater Tomaž (2004): Strateško obnašanje slovenskih podjetij ob koncu tranzicije. Organizacija, vol. 37, no. 9, pp. 542-549.
Čater Tomaž (2005): Modeli konkuriranja: Primeri slovenskih podjetij. Naše gospodarstvo, vol. 51, no. 3-4, pp. 24-36.
Čater Tomaž (2005): Vpliv temeljnih značilnosti podjetja na relevantnost osnov in oblik konkurenčne prednosti. Organizacija, vol. 38, no. 6, pp. 287-294.
Čater Tomaž (2006): Pomen osnov konkurenčne prednosti podjetja v skladu s šolo na temelju znanja. Organizacija, vol. 39, no. 6, pp. 386-392.
Čater Tomaž (2006): Prepletanje osnov in oblik konkurenčne prednosti podjetja: Kritična ocena primernosti dosedanjih šol. IB revija, vol. 40, no. 1-2, pp. 4-20.
Čater Tomaž (2006): Relevantnost šol o konkurenčnih prednostih podjetij v Sloveniji. Teorija in praksa, vol. 43, no. 1-2, pp. 25-41.
Čater Tomaž (2007): Dejavniki konkurenčne prednosti in uspešnosti podjetja. Naše gospodarstvo, vol. 53, no. 1-2, pp. 18-27.
Čater Tomaž (2007): Oblike konkurenčne prednosti in njihov vpliv na uspešnost podjetja. Akademija MM, no. 11, pp. 24-29.
Bon Marta, Čater Tomaž, Pohleven Bernarda (2009): SWOT analiza slovenskega ženskega rokometa kot osnova za njegov izboljšan strateški management. Šport: Revija za teoretična in praktična vprašanja športa, vol. 57, no. 3-4, pp. 20-24.
Čater Tomaž, Zovko Vinko (2016): Financiranje športnih objektov: Razmišljamo pravilno? Šport: Revija za teoretična in praktična vprašanja športa, vol. 64, no. 1-2, pp. 13-17.
Zovko Vinko, Čater Tomaž (2016): Športna vzgoja na uglednih tujih univerzah. Šport: Revija za teoretična in praktična vprašanja športa, vol. 64, no. 1-2, pp. 30-34.
Čater Tomaž, Zovko Vinko (2016): Analiza javnega financiranja športa v Republiki Sloveniji z vidika glavnih virov financiranja. Šport: Revija za teoretična in praktična vprašanja športa, vol. 64, no. 3-4, pp. 5-11.
Zovko Vinko, Čater Tomaž (2016): Ureditev športne vzgoje članic Univerze v Ljubljani. Šport: Revija za teoretična in praktična vprašanja športa, vol. 64, no. 3-4, pp. 14-18.
Čater Tomaž, Kostanjevec Miran (2017): Tržni potencial in trendi v panogi toplotnih črpalk za stanovanjsko gradnjo v Sloveniji. AR / Arhitektura, raziskave, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 6-17.
Čater Barbara, Čater Tomaž, Černe Matej, Koman Matjaž, Redek Tjaša (2019): Nove tehnologije Industrije 4.0 v majhnih in srednjih podjetjih v Sloveniji. Economic and Business Review, vol. 21, no. 4 (special issue), pp. 175-184.

In English language (total 45)

Čater Tomaž (2001): Knowledge Management as a Means of Developing a Firm’s Competitive Advantage. Management: Journal of Contemporary Management Issues, vol. 6, no. 1-2, pp. 133-153.
Pučko Danijel, Čater Tomaž (2001): Business Annual Planning and Controlling in Slovenian Managerial Practice. Journal for East European Management Studies, vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 355-375.
Buble Marin, Pučko Danijel, Pavić Ivan, Dulčić Želimir, Lahovnik Matej, Alfirević Nikša, Čater Tomaž, Rejc Adriana (2003): Successful Competitive Strategies of Large Croatian and Slovenian Enterprises (Research Report). Management: Journal of Contemporary Management Issues, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 1-112.
Čater Tomaž (2003): The Relevance of Four Schools of Thought on the Sources of a Firm’s Competitive Advantage: A Case of Slovenian Firms. Economic and Business Review, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 309-332.
Čater Tomaž (2004): Capability-based School of Thought’s Relevance and Firms’ Competitive Advantage Sources. Zagreb International Review of Economics & Business, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 39-59.
Čater Tomaž (2004): The Influence of the Sources of Competitive Advantage on the Forms of Competitive Advantage and Firm Performance: The Slovenian (Post-) Transitional Economy. South East Europe Review, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 137-161.
Čater Tomaž (2004): The Relevance of the Knowledge-based School of Thought on the Sources of a Firm’s Competitive Advantage. Management: Journal of Contemporary Management Issues, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 1-26.
Čater Tomaž (2005): Interweaving of the Sources and Forms of a Firm’s Competitive Advantage: A Critical Review of the Adequacy of Existing Schools of Thought. Journal for East European Management Studies, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 7-36.
Čater Tomaž (2005): The Influence of a Firm’s Basic Characteristics on the Relevance of the Sources and Forms of Competitive Advantage in Slovenian Firms. Management: Journal of Contemporary Management Issues, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 21-44.
Čater Tomaž, Pučko Danijel (2005): Corporate and Business Strategies in Slovenian Firms. South East Europe Review, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 39-60.
Čater Tomaž, Pučko Danijel (2005): How Competitive Advantage Influences Firm Performance: The Case of Slovenian Firms. Economic and Business Review, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 119-135.
Čater Tomaž, Pučko Danijel (2006): Models of Competition between Firms: The Case of Slovenia’s (Post)Transitional Economy. Journal for East European Management Studies, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 140-172.
Pučko Danijel, Čater Tomaž (2008): A Holistic Strategy Implementation Model Based on the Experiences of Slovenian Companies. Economic and Business Review, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 307-325.
Pučko Danijel, Čater Tomaž (2008): Effective Strategy Implementation: The Experience of Slovenian Companies. Zagreb International Review of Economics & Business, vol. 11, special issue, pp. 63-80.
Čater Barbara, Čater Tomaž (2009): Emotional and Rational Motivations for Customer Loyalty in Business-to-Business Professional Services. Service Industries Journal, vol. 29, no. 7-8, pp. 1151-1169.
Čater Barbara, Čater Tomaž (2009): Relationship-value-based Antecedents of Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty in Manufacturing. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, vol. 24, no. 8, pp. 585-597.
Čater Tomaž, Čater Barbara (2009): (In)Tangible Resources as Antecedents of a Company’s Competitive Advantage and Performance. Journal for East European Management Studies, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 186-209.
Čater Tomaž, Prašnikar Janez, Čater Barbara (2009): Environmental Strategies and Their Motives and Results in Slovenian Business Practice. Economic and Business Review, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 55-74.
Bon Marta, Čater Tomaž (2010): Strategic Analysis of Slovenian Women’s Handball. European Handball Activities (Web Publication), 17 December 2010, 11 pgs.
Čater Tomaž, Čater Barbara (2010): Product and Relationship Quality Influence on Customer Commitment and Loyalty in B2B Manufacturing Relationships. Industrial Marketing Management, vol. 39, no. 8, pp. 1321-1333.
Čater Tomaž, Čater Barbara (2010): Product vs. Relationship Value in Business-to-Business Manufacturing Relationships. Transformations in Business & Economics, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 139-154.
Čater Tomaž, Pučko Danijel (2010): Factors of Effective Strategy Implementation: Empirical Evidence from Slovenian Business Practice. Journal for East European Management Studies, vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 207-236.
Pučko Danijel, Čater Tomaž (2011): Cultural Dimensions and Leadership Styles Perceived by Future Managers: Differences between Slovenia and a Cluster of Central European Countries. Organizacija, vol. 44, no. 4, pp. 89-100.
Čater Barbara, Žabkar Vesna, Čater Tomaž (2011): Commitment in Marketing Research Services: Two Alternative Models. Journal of Business Economics and Management, vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 603-628.
Bon Marta, Čater Tomaž, Doupona Mojca (2012): Analysis of Slovenian Women’s Handball: Two Worlds in a Small Country. Sport Mont, vol. 10, no. 34-36, pp. 27-33.
Brankov Kaja, Ivašković Igor, Čater Tomaž (2012): Public Support for Environmental Innovation in SMEs: The Role of the “Young Researchers for the Economy” Programme. Economic and Business Review, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 185-200.
Čater Tomaž, Lang Rainhart, Szabo Erna (2013): The GLOBE Student Project: Methods and Sample Structures. Journal for East European Management Studies, vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 544-550.
Čater Tomaž, Lang Rainhart, Szabo Erna (2013): Values and Leadership Expectations of Future Managers: Theoretical Basis and Methodological Approach of the GLOBE Student Project. Journal for East European Management Studies, vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 442-462.
Dermol Valerij, Čater Tomaž (2013): The Influence of Training and Training Transfer Factors on Organisational Learning and Performance. Personnel Review, vol. 42, no. 3, pp. 324-348.
Žabkar Vesna, Čater Tomaž, Bajde Domen, Čater Barbara (2013): Environmental Strategy: A Typology of Companies Based on Managerial Perceptions of Customers’ Environmental Activeness and Deterrents. E+M: Ekonomie a Management, vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 57-74.
Župič Ivan, Čater Tomaž (2015): Bibliometric Methods in Management and Organization. Organizational Research Methods, vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 429-472.
Primc Kaja, Čater Tomaž (2015): Environmental Proactivity and Firm Performance: A Fuzzy-set Analysis. Management Decision, vol. 53, no. 3, pp. 648-667.
Primc Kaja, Čater Tomaž (2016): Environmental Strategies in Different Stages of Organisational Evolution: Theoretical Foundations. Australasian Journal of Environmental Management, vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 100-117.
Primc Kaja, Čater Tomaž (2016): The Influence of Organizational Life Cycle on Environmental Proactivity and Competitive Advantage: A Dynamic Capabilities View. Organization & Environment, vol. 29, no. 2, pp. 212-230.
Ivašković Igor, Čater Tomaž, Čater Barbara (2017): The Strategic Influence of Stakeholders in Non-profit Organisations: The Role of the Municipality in Basketball Clubs from South-East Europe. Journal of East European Management Studies, vol. 22, no. 4, pp. 596-620.
Čater Barbara, Čater Tomaž, Prašnikar Janez, Ivašković Igor (2018): Environmental Strategy and Its Implementation: What’s in It for Companies and Does It Pay Off in a Post-transition Context? Journal of East European Management Studies, vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 55-88.
Ivašković Igor, Čater Tomaž (2018): The Influence of Public Funding on the Strategies and Performance of Non-profit Basketball Clubs from South-Eastern Europe. Economic Research – Ekonomska istraživanja, vol. 31, no. 1, pp. 796-810.
Čater Tomaž, Čater Barbara, Černe Matej, Koman Matjaž, Redek Tjaša (2021): Industry 4.0 Technologies Usage: Motives and Enablers. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, vol. 32, no. 9, pp. 323-345.
Perechuda Igor, Čater Tomaž (2022): Influence of Stakeholders’ Perception on Value Creation and Measurement: The Case of Football Clubs. Sport, Business and Management: An International Journal, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 54-76.
Ivašković Igor, Čater Tomaž (2022): Factors of Athletes’ Work Engagement in South-East European Basketball Teams. Journal of East European Management Studies, vol. 27, no. 4, pp. 612-636.
Maravić Daria, Redek Tjaša, Čater Tomaž (2022): Implementation of Industry 4.0 Technologies in Croatia: Proactive Motives and a Long-Term Perspective. Social Research – Journal for General Social Issues, vol. 31, no. 1, pp. 39-61.
Redek Tjaša, Čater Tomaž, Čater Barbara, Černe Matej, Koman Matjaž (2022): Firm Agility and Digitalisation Less Helpful than Expected during the COVID-19 Pandemic, but Valuable in the Longer Run. E+M: Ekonomie a Management, vol. 25, no. 3, pp. 69-87.
Čater Tomaž, Čater Barbara, Milić Patricia, Žabkar Vesna (2023): Drivers of Corporate Environmental and Social Responsibility Practices: A Comparison of Two Moderated Mediation Models. Journal of Business Research, vol. 159, art. 113652.
Černe Matej, Čater Barbara, Čater Tomaž, Koman Matjaž, Redek Tjaša (2024): Management Innovation as an Enabler of Firm Performance in the Context of Industry 4.0: A Longitudinal Multi-source, Multi-sector Analysis. Innovation: Organization & Management, vol. 26, no. 4, pp. 559-584.
Hossain Md Billal, Rahman Mujib Ur, Čater Tomaž, Vasa László (2024): Determinants of SMEs’ Strategic Entrepreneurial Innovative Digitalization: Examining the Mediation Role of Human Capital. European Journal of Innovation Management, in press.

Scientific papers at conferences (total 40)

In Slovene language (total 5)

Pučko Danijel, Čater Tomaž (2001): Vpliv letnega načrtovanja na poslovno uspešnost podjetja. In: Analiziranje kot strokovno orodje uveljavljanja prednosti in odpravljanja pomanjkljivosti v poslovanju združb: 7. strokovno posvetovanje o sodobnih vidikih analize poslovanja in organizacije, Portorož, 26-28. september 2001. Ljubljana: Zveza ekonomistov Slovenije, pp. 49-65.
Čater Tomaž (2002): Osnove konkurenčnih prednosti slovenskih izvoznikov na trgih EU. In: Ovin Rasto (ed.), Borak Neven (ed.), Beko Jani (ed.): Plačilna bilanca Slovenije: 5. letna konferenca Sekcije za ekonomsko politiko Zveze ekonomistov Slovenije, Ljubljana, 1. december 2000. Ljubljana: Zveza ekonomistov Slovenije, pp. 289-304.
Čater Tomaž, Hauptman Anja (2005): Analiza ravnanja z znanjem v podjetju: Primer štirih slovenskih knjižnih založb. In: Rozman Rudi (ed.): 11. strokovno posvetovanje o sodobnih vidikih analize poslovanja in organizacije, Portorož, 9-11. november 2005. Ljubljana: Zveza ekonomistov Slovenije, pp. 135-147.
Čater Tomaž, Grmek Uroš (2006): Poprevzemna integracija v slovenskem poslovnem okolju. In: Rozman Rudi (ed.), Čater Tomaž (ed.): 12. strokovno posvetovanje o sodobnih vidikih analize poslovanja in organizacije, Portorož, 8-10. november 2006. Ljubljana: Zveza ekonomistov Slovenije, pp. 117-129.
Karner Škulj Irena, Čater Tomaž (2008): Ravnanje z znanjem v slovenskih podjetjih in nedobičkovnih združbah. In: Čater Tomaž (ed.): 14. strokovno posvetovanje o sodobnih vidikih analize poslovanja in organizacije, Portorož, 22-24. oktober 2008. Ljubljana: Zveza ekonomistov Slovenije, pp. 135-150.

In English language (total 35)

Pučko Danijel, Čater Tomaž (2000): Business Analysis, Planning and Controlling as Tools for Managerial Decision-making. In: Perić Jože (ed.): Hotel 2000: Tourism and Hospitality Management: Trends and Challenges for the Future: 15th Biennial International Congress, Opatija, 25-28 October 2000. Opatija: Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management, pp. 591-608.
Čater Tomaž (2001): Hypotheses about the Sources of the Competitive Advantage of a Firm. In: Enterprise in Transition: 4th International Conference, Hvar, 24-26 May 2001. Split: Faculty of Economics, pp. 558-579.
Čater Tomaž (2001): Potential Sources of Competitive Advantage of Slovenian Exporting Firms in EU Markets. In: Kandžija Vinko (ed.): Economic System of European Union and Accession of the Republic of Croatia: 3rd International Conference, Lovran, 20-21 April 2001. Rijeka: Faculty of Economics, pp. 427-439.
Čater Tomaž (2002): Knowledge Management in Slovenian Managerial Practice. In: Stipetić Vladimir (ed.): Hotel & Tourism 2002: Human Capital, Culture and Quality in Tourism and Hospitality Industry: 16th Biennial International Congress, Opatija, 23-26 October 2002. Opatija: Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management, pp. 63-77.
Čater Tomaž (2003): Strategic Behavior of Slovenian Firms at the End of the Transition Process. In: Enterprise in Transition: 5th International Conference, Tučepi, 22-24 May 2003. Split: Faculty of Economics, pp. 2260-2275.
Čater Tomaž, Alfirević Nikša (2003): Sources of Competitive Success of Large Enterprises in Transition: The Case of Croatia and Slovenia. In: Enterprise in Transition: 5th International Conference, Tučepi, 22-24 May 2003. Split: Faculty of Economics, pp. 2372-2392.
Čater Tomaž (2004): Competitive Advantage and Firm Performance: Empirical Evidence from Slovenian Firms. In: Kandžija Vinko (ed.), Kumar Andrej (ed.): Economic System of European Union and Accession of the Republic of Croatia: 4th International Conference, Lovran, 9-10 May 2003. Rijeka: Faculty of Economics, pp. 559-574.
Čater Tomaž (2004): The Relevance of the Industrial Organization School of Thought on the Sources of a Firm’s Competitive Advantage. In: An Enterprise Odyssey: Building Competitive Advantage: 2nd International Conference, Zagreb, 17-19 June 2004. Zagreb: Faculty of Economics and Business, pp. 981-1000.
Čater Tomaž (2004): The Relevance of the Resource-based School of Thought on the Sources of a Firm’s Competitive Advantage: How Does It Differ in a (Post)Transitional Economy? In: The Organization as a Set of Dynamic Relationships: 20th EGOS Colloquium, Ljubljana, 1-3 July 2004. Ljubljana: Faculty of Economics, 17 pgs.
Čater Tomaž (2004): The Sources of a Firm’s Competitive Advantage according to the Knowledge-based School: The Case of Slovenian Firms. In: Trezzini Bruno (ed.), Lambe Patrick (ed.), Al-Hawamdeh Suliman (ed.): People, Knowledge and Technology: What Have We Learnt So Far? 1st International Conference on Knowledge Management, Singapore, 13-15 December 2004. Singapore: World Scientific, pp. 259-269.
Čater Tomaž (2005): A Critical Review of Existing Theories on the Sources and Forms of a Firm’s Competitive Advantage. In: Enterprise in Transition: 6th International Conference, Bol, 26-28 May 2005. Split: Faculty of Economics, pp. 615-638.
Čater Tomaž (2005): How the Sources of Competitive Advantage Shape Firm Performance: The Case of Slovenian Firms. In: 5th Annual Conference of the European Academy of Management, Munich, 4-7 May 2005. Munich: Technical University Munich, 16 pgs.
Čater Tomaž (2005): Sources of Competitive Advantage within Four Schools of Thought: A Case of Slovenian Firms. In: Quality Management for Organisational and Regional Development: 8th International Conference, Palermo, 29 June – 1 July 2005. Palermo: University of Palermo, pp. 785-796.
Čater Tomaž (2006): Capability-based Sources of Competitive Advantage: A Case of Slovenian (Post)Transitional Economy. In: Chemnitz East Forum: Research on Transition – Research in Transition: 7th International Conference, Chemnitz, 15-17 September 2005 (Schriften zur Organisationswissenschaft, no. 10). Chemnitz: Chemnitz University of Technology, pp. 25-43.
Čater Tomaž (2006): How Much Does the Resource-based View Matter in the Post-transitional Slovenian Economy? In: An Enterprise Odyssey: Integration or Disintegration: 3rd International Conference, Zagreb, 15-17 June 2006. Zagreb: Faculty of Economics and Business, pp. 98-108.
Čater Tomaž (2006): How the Sources and Forms of Competitive Advantage Depend on a Firm’s Sector Appurtenance, Size, Age, Ownership and Sales Market. In: Global Conference on Business and Economics: 5th International Conference, Cambridge, 6-8 July 2006. Lynchburg: Association for Business and Economics Research, 11 pgs.
Čater Tomaž (2006): Industrial-organization-based Sources of Competitive Advantage: A Case of Slovenian Post-transitional Economy. In: From Transition to Sustainable Development: The Path to European Integration: 3rd International Conference, Sarajevo, 12-13 October 2006. Sarajevo: School of Economics and Business, 18 pgs.
Čater Tomaž, Čater Barbara (2007): Improving Business-to-business Services: A Study of the Influence of Actor Bonds, Activity Links and Resource Ties on Customer Loyalty in Market Research Services. In: 7th Annual Conference of the European Academy of Management, Paris, 16-19 May 2007. Brussels: European Academy of Management, 39 pgs.
Čater Tomaž (2007): The Competitive Advantage of a Firm: What It Is and What It Is Not. In: Enterprise in Transition: 7th International Conference, Bol, 24-26 May 2007. Split: Faculty of Economics, 18 pgs.
Mujagić Adnan, Čater Tomaž (2007): Strategy Development in “Old” Bosnian Companies: Using Case Studies to Supplement Survey Data. In: Enterprise in Transition: 7th International Conference, Bol, 24-26 May 2007. Split: Faculty of Economics, 27 pgs.
Pučko Danijel, Čater Tomaž (2008): What Effective Strategy Implementation Depends on: The Experience of Slovenian Companies. In: An Enterprise Odyssey: Tourism – Governance and Entrepreneurship: 4th International Conference, Cavtat, 11-14 June 2008. Zagreb: Faculty of Economics and Business, pp. 1220-1234.
Čater Tomaž (2009): The Analysis of Knowledge-related Competitive Advantages in Slovenian Firms. In: Chemnitz East Forum: Cooperation between East and West: Westernization of the East or Easternization of the West? 8th International Conference, Chemnitz, 13-15 September 2007 (Schriften zur Organisationswissenschaft, no. 14). Chemnitz: Chemnitz University of Technology, pp. 74-101.
Čater Tomaž, Pučko Danijel (2009): Cultural Dimensions of Society and Future Managers’ Leadership Styles: The Case of Slovenia. In: Chemnitz East Forum: Conflicts, Frictions and Paradoxes in CEE Management: 9th International Conference, Chemnitz, 10-12 September 2009. Chemnitz: Chemnitz University of Technology, pp. 112-115.
Župič Ivan, Čater Tomaž (2012): Mapping the Intellectual Structure of High Technology Research. In: EBR 2012: 2nd Annual Conference, Ljubljana, 29-30 November 2012. Ljubljana: Faculty of Economics, 29 pgs.
Župič Ivan, Čater Tomaž (2013): Bibliometric Methods in Management and Organization: A Review. In: Toombs Leslie (ed.): 73rd Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Orlando, 9-13 August 2013. Briarcliff Manor: Academy of Management, 31 pgs.
Župič Ivan, Čater Tomaž (2013): What Do We Know about High-tech Firms? Mapping the Intellectual Structure Evolution of High-technology Research (1973-2012). In: 35th DRUID Celebration Conference on Innovation, Strategy and Entrepreneurship: Competitiveness and Dynamics of Organizations, Technologies, Systems and Geography, Barcelona, 17-19 June 2013. Frederiksberg: Copenhagen Business School, 30 pgs.
Župič Ivan, Čater Tomaž (2014): Bibliometric Methods in Management and Organization. In: 14th Annual Conference of the European Academy of Management: Waves and Winds of Strategic Leadership for Sustainable Competitiveness, Valencia, 4-7 June 2014. Brussels: European Academy of Management, 40 pgs.
Čater Tomaž, Čater Barbara (2017): Decision for the Environmental Strategy: Political or Economic? In: Challenges of Europe: 12th International Conference, Bol, 17-19 May 2017. Split: Faculty of Economics, Business and Tourism, 16 pgs.
Župič Ivan, Čater Tomaž, Pustovrh Aleš (2017): Barriers to Growth in Entrepreneurial Ecosystems: The case of SSRN. In: 77th Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Atlanta, 4-8 August 2017. Briarcliff Manor: Academy of Management, 37 pgs.
Čater Tomaž, Čater Barbara (2018): Corporate Social Responsibility in Sport: A Bibliometric Analysis. In: 18th Annual Conference of the European Academy of Management: Research in Action, Reykjavik, 19-22 June 2018. Brussels: European Academy of Management, 33 pgs.
Župič Ivan, Čater Tomaž, Pustovrh Aleš (2019): Barriers to Growth in Entrepreneurial Ecosystems. In: International Council for Small Business Conference: The Future of Entrepreneurship: Policy and Practice, Paris, 8-9 April 2019. Paris: International Council for Small Business, 10 pgs.
Župič Ivan, Čater Tomaž, Pustovrh Aleš (2019): Barriers to the Growth of High-tech Firms. In: 19th Annual Conference of the European Academy of Management: Exploring the Future of Management, Lisbon, 26-28 June 2019. Brussels: European Academy of Management, 40 pgs.
Perechuda Igor, Čater Tomaž (2020): Influence of Stakeholders’ Sustainability on Football Clubs: Discussion on Value Measurement in a CEE Country. In: 20th Annual Conference of the European Academy of Management: The Business of Now – the Future Starts Here, Online Conference, 4-6 December 2020. Brussels: European Academy of Management, 37 pgs.
Uršič Dejan, Bodlaj Mateja, Čater Barbara, Čater Tomaž, Redek Tjaša (2023): Understanding Financial Barriers to the Implementation of New Technologies in Slovenian Companies. In: Malačič Janez (ed.), Osredkar Mari Jože (ed.), Gams Matjaž (ed.): 26th International Multiconference Information Society – Volume F, Ljubljana, 9 October 2023. Ljubljana: Jožef Stefan Institute, pp. 82-86.
Uršič Dejan, Čater Tomaž (2024): Exploring the Role of Digital Innovation in Management and Business Literature: A Bibliometric Analysis. In: Mateus-Coelho Nuno Ricardo (ed.), Cruz-Cunha Maria Manuela (ed.): International Conference on Industry Sciences and Computer Science Innovation, Lisbon, 4-6 October 2023. Procedia Computer Science, vol. 237, pp. 874-881.

Scientific papers in monographs (total 20)

In Slovene language (total 7)

Čater Tomaž, Ocvirk Primož, Pfajfar Gregor, Vahen Mare, Žunič Staša (2006): Strategije vstopa male specializirane banke na ukrajinski trg. In: Prašnikar Janez (ed.), Cirman Andreja (ed.): Priložnosti finančnega sektorja v tranzicijskih državah. Ljubljana: Časnik Finance, pp. 339-360.
Makovec Brenčič Maja, Čater Tomaž, Lavrenčič Andreja, Peršič Luka (2006): Konceptualni model izbire oblike vstopa na nove trge: Primer vstopa banke na trge južne in vzhodne Evrope. In: Prašnikar Janez (ed.), Cirman Andreja (ed.): Priložnosti finančnega sektorja v tranzicijskih državah. Ljubljana: Časnik Finance, pp. 193-213.
Čater Tomaž, Hozjan Marjan, Kranjc Matija, Manfreda Anton, Žagar Janez (2007): Novi pristopi k strateškemu prestrukturiranju. In: Prašnikar Janez (ed.), Cirman Andreja (ed.): Prestrukturiranje podjetij v globalizaciji. Ljubljana: Časnik Finance, pp. 25-44.
Čater Barbara, Čater Tomaž, Prašnikar Janez (2008): Okoljske strategije ter njihovi motivi in rezultati v slovenski poslovni praksi. In: Prašnikar Janez (ed.), Cirman Andreja (ed.): Globalna finančna kriza in eko strategije podjetij: Dopolnjevanje ali nasprotovanje. Ljubljana: Časnik Finance, pp. 221-234.
Čater Tomaž, Stankovič Tamara, Gržinič Martin, Aggarwal Sachin, Gorenc Gregor (2008): Okoljske strategije, njihovi motivi in rezultati. In: Prašnikar Janez (ed.), Cirman Andreja (ed.): Globalna finančna kriza in eko strategije podjetij: Dopolnjevanje ali nasprotovanje. Ljubljana: Časnik Finance, pp. 207-220.
Bodlaj Mateja, Čater Barbara, Čater Tomaž (2023): Trajnostne inovacije slovenskih izvoznikov. In: Redek Tjaša (ed.), Ulčakar Tomaž (ed.): Uspešno, inovativno gospodarstvo, trajnostno-naravnana potrošnja in država blaginje kot temelji prihodnjega razvoja Slovenije. Ljubljana: Ekonomska fakulteta, pp. 246-252.
Uršič Dejan, Milić Patricia, Čater Barbara, Čater Tomaž, Žabkar Vesna (2023): Trajnostni poslovni indeks – celostni pristop k spremljanju trajnostnega poslovanja podjetij. In: Redek Tjaša (ed.), Ulčakar Tomaž (ed.): Uspešno, inovativno gospodarstvo, trajnostno-naravnana potrošnja in država blaginje kot temelji prihodnjega razvoja Slovenije. Ljubljana: Ekonomska fakulteta, pp. 253-266.

In English language (total 13)

Čater Tomaž (2006): Analysis of the Models of Competition between Firms in Slovenia. In: Roufagalas John (ed.): Resource Allocation and Institutions: Explorations in Economics, Finance and Law. Athens: Athens Institute for Education and Research, pp. 139-160.
Čater Tomaž (2009): Knowledge-based Sources of a Firm’s Competitive Advantage: The Case of Slovenian Post-transitional Economy. In: Langer Josef (ed.), Pavičić Jurica (ed.), Alfirević Nikša (ed.): Knowledge Region: Alps-Adriatic Challenges. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang Publishing Group, pp. 109-126.
Čater Tomaž (2011): Theoretical and Methodological Background. In: Čater Tomaž (ed.), Lang Rainhart (ed.): Values and Leadership Expectations of Future Managers from Transforming Societies (Schriften zur Organisationswissenschaft, no. 16). Chemnitz: Chemnitz University of Technology, pp. 11-20.
Čater Tomaž, Pučko Danijel (2011): Cultural Dimensions of Society and Future Managers’ Leadership Styles in Slovenia. In: Čater Tomaž (ed.), Lang Rainhart (ed.): Values and Leadership Expectations of Future Managers from Transforming Societies (Schriften zur Organisationswissenschaft, no. 16). Chemnitz: Chemnitz University of Technology, pp. 50-65.
Čater Tomaž, Dominko Miha, Gulič Domen, Pangeršič Simon, Štemberger Rok (2017): Domel. In: Prašnikar Janez (ed.), Redek Tjaša (ed.), Koman Matjaž (ed.): Robots among Us. Ljubljana: Časnik Finance, pp. 111-122.
Čater Tomaž, Markovska Klepec Bojana, Bonča Aljuška, Mencigar Katja, Orehek Urban (2019): Digitalization and Innovation in Zavarovalnica Triglav. In: Domadenik Polona (ed.), Koman Matjaž (ed.), Redek Tjaša (ed.): Innovation Governance: Leading the Winners. Ljubljana: Časnik Finance, pp. 139-152.
Lang Rainhart, Čater Tomaž, Steger Thomas (2019): Culturally Endorsed Leadership Expectations of Students from Slovenia and Germany. In: Rozman Rudi (ed.), Stare Aljaž (ed.), Šprajc Polona (ed.): Izbrane teme managementa in organizacije: Monografija v spomin na prof. dr. Jureta Kovača. Ljubljana: Društvo slovenska akademija za management, pp. 44-58.
Redek Tjaša, Čater Tomaž, Černe Matej, Koman Matjaž (2019): The 4th Industrial Revolution in the World and in Slovenia. In: Banse Gerhard (ed.), Thelen Julia (ed.), Lingner Stephan (ed.): Industrie 4.0 zwischen Idee und Realität (Abhandlungen der Leibniz-Sozietät der Wissenschaften, no. 54). Berlin: Trafo Wissenschaftsverlag, pp. 305-318.
Čater Tomaž, Mušič Nina, Pucelj Ula, Strmljan Nina (2020): Lotrič Metrology. In: Domadenik Polona (ed.), Koman Matjaž (ed.), Redek Tjaša (ed.): The Virus Aftermath: A Socio-Economic Twist? Ljubljana: Časnik Finance, pp. 309-320.
Čater Tomaž, Fux Patricia (2021): Toward Better Understanding of the Corporate Sustainability Concept. In: Žabkar Vesna (ed.), Redek Tjaša (ed.): Challenges on the Path toward Sustainability in Europe: Social Responsibility and Circular Economy Perspectives. Bingley: Emerald, pp. 81-99.
Žabkar Vesna, Fux Patricia, Čater Tomaž, Čater Barbara (2021): How Sustainable Are Slovenian Companies: Sustainability Business Index and Motives for Corporate Environmental and Social Practices. In: Domadenik Muren Polona (ed.), Koman Matjaž (ed.), Redek Tjaša (ed.): Achieving Growth that Matters. Ljubljana: Časnik Finance, pp. 315-328.
Čater Tomaž, Abrahamsberg Nina, Brečko Laura, Štemberger Filip (2022): Digital Transformation in the High-tech and Medium-high-tech Manufacturing in Slovenia. In: Domadenik Muren Polona (ed.), Koman Matjaž (ed.), Redek Tjaša (ed.): Metaversing the Corporate Strategy: The Opportunities and Challenges of Digital Transformation. Ljubljana: Časnik Finance, pp. 49-68.
Redek Tjaša, Čater Tomaž, Murovec Hana, Osmanov Khalid, Suvorov Paulina (2023): AI’s Role in Wholesale Medicine and Medical Equipment: Salus Group Case Study. In: Domadenik Muren Polona (ed.), Koman Matjaž (ed.), Redek Tjaša (ed.): Beyond Bits and Algorithms: Redefining Businesses and Future of Work. Ljubljana: Časnik Finance, pp. 185-199.

Professional papers in journals (total 1)

In Slovene language (total 1)

Prošt Šilc Petra, Čater Tomaž, Bon Marta (2018): Zastopništvo v rokometu – Managerji ali posredniki? Trener rokomet, vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 37-44.

Professional papers at conferences (total 1)

In Slovene language (total 1)

Čater Tomaž (2009): Financiranje športa v Sloveniji s poudarkom na financiranju športnih objektov. In: Prihodnost prostega časa, športa ter infrastrukture, Bled, 3. december 2009. Kranj: Združenje športnih centrov Slovenije, pp. 21-42.

Professional papers in monographs (total 1)

In Slovene language (total 1)

Čater Tomaž, Mlakar Marko, Vučković Vojko (2022): Sponzorstva prek digitalnih poti. In: Jagodic Tone (ed.), Grilc Peter (ed.), Zalaznik Maja (ed.): Sponzorstvo v slovenskem športu. Ljubljana: Olimpijski komite Slovenije – Združenje športnih zvez, pp. 239-252.

Professional monographs (total 1)

In Slovene language (total 1)

Žabkar Vesna, Čater Barbara, Čater Tomaž, Fux Patricia (2022): Trajnostni poslovni indeks. Ljubljana: Ekonomska fakulteta.

Textbooks (total 5)

In Slovene language (total 5)

Pučko Danijel et al. (2004, reprint 2007): Strateški management (poslovni prigodki). Ljubljana: Ekonomska fakulteta.
Pučko Danijel, Čater Tomaž, Rejc Buhovac Adriana (2006, reprint 2009): Strateški management 2. Ljubljana: Ekonomska fakulteta.
Čater Tomaž (2011): Taktično planiranje in kontrola. Ljubljana: Ekonomska fakulteta.
Čater Tomaž, Lahovnik Matej, Pučko Danijel, Rejc Buhovac Adriana (2011): Strateški management 2. Ljubljana: Ekonomska fakulteta.
Čater Tomaž, Češnovar Tone, Ivašković Igor (2015): Strateški management – študijski primeri. Ljubljana: Ekonomska fakulteta.

Reports (total 1)

In Slovene language (total 1)

Pučko Danijel, Buble Marin, Pavić Ivan, Lahovnik Matej, Dulčić Želimir, Čater Tomaž, Rejc Adriana, Alfirević Nikša (2002): Uspešne konkurenčne strategije velikih hrvaških in slovenskih podjetij: Sklepno poročilo mednarodnega hrvaško-slovenskega raziskovalnega projekta. Ljubljana: Ekonomska fakulteta.

Reviews (total 1)

In English language (total 1)

Čater Tomaž (2004): Book Review [Mrak Mojmir (ed.), Rojec Matija (ed.), Silva-Jauregui Carlos (ed.): Slovenia: from Yugoslavia to the European Union. Washington: World Bank, 2004.]. Economic and Business Review, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 181-185.

Editor (total 9)

In Slovene language (total 7)

Rozman Rudi (ed.), Čater Tomaž (ed.) (2006): 12. strokovno posvetovanje o sodobnih vidikih analize poslovanja in organizacije, Portorož, 8-10. november 2006. Ljubljana: Zveza ekonomistov Slovenije.
Čater Tomaž (ed.) (2007): 13. strokovno posvetovanje o sodobnih vidikih analize poslovanja in organizacije, Portorož, 24-26. oktober 2007. Ljubljana: Zveza ekonomistov Slovenije.
Čater Tomaž (ed.) (2008): 14. strokovno posvetovanje o sodobnih vidikih analize poslovanja in organizacije, Portorož, 22-24. oktober 2008. Ljubljana: Zveza ekonomistov Slovenije.
Čater Tomaž (ed.) (2009): 15. strokovno posvetovanje o sodobnih vidikih analize poslovanja in organizacije, Portorož, 21-23. oktober 2009. Ljubljana: Zveza ekonomistov Slovenije.
Čater Tomaž (ed.) (2010): 16. strokovno posvetovanje o sodobnih vidikih analize poslovanja in organizacije, Portorož, 21-22. oktober 2010. Ljubljana: Zveza ekonomistov Slovenije.
Čater Tomaž (ed.) (2011): 17. strokovno posvetovanje o sodobnih vidikih analize poslovanja in organizacije, Portorož, 20-21. oktober 2011. Ljubljana: Zveza ekonomistov Slovenije.
Čater Tomaž (ed.) (2012): 18. strokovno posvetovanje o sodobnih vidikih analize poslovanja in organizacije, Portorož, 25-26. oktober 2012. Ljubljana: Zveza ekonomistov Slovenije.

In English language (total 2)

Čater Tomaž (ed.), Lang Rainhart (ed.) (2011): Values and Leadership Expectations of Future Managers from Transforming Societies (Schriften zur Organisationswissenschaft, no. 16). Chemnitz: Chemnitz University of Technology.
Čater Tomaž (ed.), Lang Rainhart (ed.), Szabo Erna (ed.) (2013): Journal for East European Management Studies – special issue, vol. 18, no. 4.
